The only thing that makes people don’t know what they want is fear. Fear of believing that they can't be that big, fear that they are not good enough to compete, fear of weakness, fear of the unknown, fear of people, fear of desapointments and expectations. The bigger the dream the bigger the expectations. If you dream nothing, there’s nothing to want, nothing to expect, nothing that forces you to push yourself further and harder and better. Being better is hard when you think about it.
So if someone asks you about what you want for life you usually say “I want to be happy, living a simple life with no worries like money or school or job".
Need to have money is pressure enough. So instead of wasting energy thinking what should I do that pleasures me, people prefer to waste less energy thinking how should I get money in a way I don’t have to worry about anything. Seems easier, because if you choose do what you love for living (if you even know what you love), how tough, creative, hard-working and sweaty would it cost to live your dream? Let’s just pick a job that doesn’t requires none of this, cuz it’s too hard to handle. I just want to be happy, don’t you bother me again with this dreamy-wishful-sressful stuff because I’m already anxious.
Conclusion: It seems like 99% of the people we know is not in love with their jobs and 70% doesn’t like it. (The 30% are the ones who say something like “it’s ok, could be better, could be worse, but no one bothers me that much and it’s enough to pay my bills”).
But when I ask what’s your Dream, I’m actually asking what is your main potential and what are you going to do with this, whatever it is. So: First step (comes from you heart): knowing what you most love to do in your life. Second step (comes from you mind): How can I make money doing what I love to do? Third step (comes from your hands): do it. It’s the hardest, no one said it was easy, but the reward will be much more tasty.
For those who are at the beginning: never listen to anybody who says “you can’t”, “you won’t”, “you shouldn’t”. When we’re the best at something we love, we always succeed.
For those who jumped a few steps ahead and want to restart: Do a research within yourself and dream BIG. Dream always bigger than what you think it’s possible, because if you want it, everything is possible and enough is not enough.
For those who stoped at the third step: Well, life aint gonna suck itself.
Dream big and make it.